New Book

After Launching The Flagship Program: “FAST4 Blueprint” His New Book…

10 Commandments From Information To Income
In this new book Sasha reveals the 10 Sacred Commandments that are essential in creating, crafting and launching a new product or service to the online market.
The exact go to market timeline – the software to use for a streamlined launch and finally, the ultimate scalability of your offer!
Find out exactly how to leverage Social Media channels for maximum impact with your service, sales skills taught by The Wolf of Wallstreet and Sasha’s industry secrets realised after investing over 288,000 dollars in personal and business development in the past five years…
An absolute must for a hungry entrepreneur, looking to build an online business FAST!
Explode Your Potential In Every Area Of Your Life…

Training Courses

Personal Power Override
Inner Game Tools & Training To Remove Self Doubt & Limiting Beliefs Almost Instantly!
Forge The Foundation To Success With This Step By Step Guideline That Will Set You Free!
Commit Now To Vertical Growth! The Digital Blueprint To Transform Your Business To 7 Figures!
The Only Program Of Its Kind! You’re Trained & You To Sell High Ticket With Me Upon Approval
Access a complete learning system, with robust systems and execution that has all sales training requirements covered.
Success Stories

"Success on many levels is about getting yourself to do the things you know you need to do even when you know you don't want to, and Sasha can help you do that automatically".
The program Sasha Karabut has (Fast-4) is fucking AWESOME!

What I love most about the whole program is the team. The people! Every single person here is highly driven, motivated, hungry, wants more and is also very supportive".
James says if you're on the fence about his coaching he's the real deal, he's been at the bottom now he's at the top.
James is a successful digital entrepreneur in the realm of sales, marketing and e-commerce, with more than $2,000,000.00 USD generated for his clients.

I've never been part of a program that has been able to change my life in such a short period of time, not only financially, but emotionally and physically.
The skillset that you're going to learn in this are completely invaluable. Being able to close people, is a skillset that you can take anywhere!
I'm so excited for what's still yet to come because with this program the sky's the limit... and we're only just getting started!"

Do You Want The Recipe For Vertical Growth?

Often business growth can be painfully slow, and the dark thought of throwing in the towel can surface when traction is not seen soon enough to offset the capital you are investing to grow.
Proven strategies, step by step formulas and 7 steps that reveal all secrets… Aren’t you sick of hearing that?
Do you think a tailored, custom cut approach is what your business needs?
Allow Sasha and his team discuss overlap synergies and possibility for support. Or direct you to the right person who can help you succeed.
There is no “one size fits all” approach!

Do you hold yourself to extremely high standards?
Do you expect more from yourself than people around you?
Do you feel like you’ve always had a burning desire to stand out?… To be heard… To be someone that is remembered… and really create a life that truly reflects your worth?
Not a life controlled by other people. Not a life dictated by the mediocrity of society. Not a life where you’re told what to do and when to do it…
But a life on your terms…
A life with no boundaries…
A life where you dine at the finest restaurants, buy the most expensive clothes and drive the fastest cars.
This is the premise of the 6 Figure Partnership Program, massive opportunity right at your fingertips.


Laser Focus: How I achieve more from not being all about my feelings
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on google Share on email Share on facebook Are you feeling as though you’re pushing SO hard to get yourself setup, but you’re feeling like you’re not making any or

How To Keep Your Sanity During COVID Lockdown
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Share on email Here we go for another round of COVID lock-down, version 2.0 for the Gold Coast. Having recent confirmations of infections nearby has sent the Gold

How to give and receive constructive feedback
Having trouble softening the blow? Maybe you see room for improvement in someone you work with, a client, or your partner. But how do you avoid coming across like a complete d*&k? At first I found this hard. “We all

What Would I Say If I Had Only 60 Seconds On Stage?
You’ve been given 60 seconds – What would you say whilst looking at your audience dead in the eye, to the very depths of their souls? Would your words be life-changing and profound? Here’s a photo taken a few years


Is your business consistently doing over 7 figures?
Do you want to be considered as part of the next intake of “Operation Expansion”?
Every quarter Sasha personally vets entrepreneurs and business leaders that are pulling in over 7 figures of revenue, with one sole objective…
Many, many months ago Sasha down with The Wolf of Wallstreet, in his private residence in Beverly Hills and drew the roadmap to “Add a zero to his income”
In “Operation Expansion” this is his mission objective for you.
Watch on Youtube

Top Two Tips For MEGA Engagement On Social Content
For years I struggled massively with content, my hands would get all clammy and sweaty and I would feel my stomach tighten up. Id pace around the office and wonder if tomorrow was a better day to do it..
How to attract EXCELLENCE | Daily Motivation #10
The beauty of the human brain is that it gives you what you give yourself. You project to others what you do to yourself. Become the kind of customer you want to do business with.
Surround yourself with rich people to become rich
We, as human beings, are products of our environment. Think of the five people you spend the most time with. Are they the kind of people you want to be/ Choose your company wisely.