Laser Focus: How I achieve more from not being all about my feelings
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on google Share on email Share on facebook Are you feeling as though you’re pushing SO hard to get yourself setup, but you’re feeling like you’re not making any or enough progress? I often can fall into the trap of only focusing on how much

How To Keep Your Sanity During COVID Lockdown
Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on pinterest Share on email Here we go for another round of COVID lock-down, version 2.0 for the Gold Coast. Having recent confirmations of infections nearby has sent the Gold Coast into full-on lock-down! But this is no reason to stop thriving and pushing forward.

How to give and receive constructive feedback
Having trouble softening the blow? Maybe you see room for improvement in someone you work with, a client, or your partner. But how do you avoid coming across like a complete d*&k? At first I found this hard. “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve,” Bill Gates said. Our

What Would I Say If I Had Only 60 Seconds On Stage?
You’ve been given 60 seconds – What would you say whilst looking at your audience dead in the eye, to the very depths of their souls? Would your words be life-changing and profound? Here’s a photo taken a few years ago. Being on stage with Jordan Belfort was a life-changing experience. I felt like I

How To Get Your Priorities Straight
Looking to be the absolute best? When you’re trying to succeed at something your approach should always be the same. Why waste your time ‘going small’ and ignoring all the other things you could be doing and actually do what you SHOULD be doing? It’s important to recognise that not all things are of equal

What Challenges Do Entrepreneurs Face?
Share on facebook Share on email Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on google How often do you challenge yourself? When you do, how do you rate yourself when facing adversity? Do you have perseverance? I’m a firm believer that with pure tenacity and determination, any person can make just about anything happen. The

The Importance Of Nurturing Relationships, Qualifying People & Connections You Meet
Becoming an Entrepreneur requires building your brand, building your audience, building your network.
If you’re wanting personal and business development, it’s important to get involved with people who can challenge you, inspire you and give you a different perspective and varied experiences.
Here’s what you need to know…

Why entrepreneurs say ‘YES’!
Facebook Youtube Instagram Are you a ‘glass half full’, or ‘half empty bottle’? When taking the massive steps towards entrepreneurship, you need to definitely be prepared to be faced with and take risks. Yes, risks can either come with disappointment… but they can also come with rewards! Saying ‘yes’ to the things that are scary

What do successful people have in common?
What does it take to have the courage to sculpt a life of high achievement and success?
Believing in myself was the crux of founding a company whilst turning over 6 figures.
Saying that – where have you ever seen a successful person who hasn’t had the confidence and determination to push through? For example – Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Shaquille O’Neal… these icons wouldn’t have progressed if it wasn’t for their sheer determination and belief in themselves.
This is the exact mentality that entrepreneurs are required to cultivate and in-still in themselves each day. However, there are other things to take into consideration…