What would you feel more attached to and angry about losing? The money you had worked hard for and earnt then LOST, or the money you never earnt and lost the opportunity to make?
Both losses are relevant,
Both would be painful and upsetting.
HOWEVER it’s quite obvious that once you have built something that’s yours, once you’ve put time and energy into something. Began seeing customers, growth and traction, working at something for years. Consistently etching away at the progress to finally lose it all would along with all the profits and invested capital you had generated would be devastating..
That may be how some of you are feeling right now..
Ripped off, torn, unfairly compensated..
Duly so – this pandemic has caused more unrest and more change in the economic climate than anything else in history.
HOWEVER. Much as you began, and you found out the steps and you probably made a LOT of mistakes starting out. You can build again – without a lot of the same mistakes..
One lesson I want you to take away from reading this above all else is.
The pursuit of a GOAL. Is important and essential when it comes to growth. However more importantly WHO YOU BECOME on the pursuit of that goal is where the true value lies.. Read that again!
It’s often not the attainment of an item, material or luxury car that brings any form of joy or fulfillment. However it is the person you must become in order to reach that tangible goal.
If you’re lost, and feeling shattered right now. Just know that the most valuable part of your business or entrepreneurial journey (YOUR KNOWLEDGE) cannot ever be taken away.
And how you choose to rise up in these uncertain times and CREATE as a pose to CONSUME will determine the length of the gap in recreating something brilliant because you have years of mistakes and lessons you have learnt!
So in finishing this shorter post today, pick yourself back up.
Dust yourself off and keep moving forward. Yes things have changed, yes times may never ever go back to normal – what even is normal right?
Set a new vision, back it with some SOLID expectations and deliverable action steps you can take on a daily basis and get to work!
There is no other way. There is no other time.
This is your time.
Game on!